Tuesday 7 February 2017


Have you ever felt like giving up when you meet road-blocks, delays and discouragement? I hope as you read along, you will resolve to persevere until you see your success. Someone once said, there's no testimony without a test, no message without a mess, and so when things are seemingly impossible - that's when you need to look yourself in the mirror and say, 'I'M-POSSIBLE'. If you didn't read the earlier post on "P.U.S.H" then you may want to pause here, go through my blog and read that first. It would help you follow this concluding part.

With Mum and Dad on graduation day

Now the long day spent, in order to be screened, at 'White Avenue' had finally ended. Life of course must go on. Each passing day without any news diminished my excitement a bit. I kept hoping for news from my dad's office, requesting me to pick up a letter addressed to me, yet no such news came.  Luckily for me, I stayed in touch with Adwoa whom I had met on the screening day; we kept encouraging each other to expect good news. Well one day she shared her good news with me, the long-awaited letter had finally reached her and delivered to her the joyful news of being a shortlisted candidate for the next stage. I became excited once more because now there was news and I knew mine would be no different. And since sometimes good things come to those who wait but better things come to those who chase, I decided to visit the 'White Avenue' for further information. Upon reaching the office, I introduced myself and someone asked if I was related to one staff member known as Bro Eric. The person assumed that bearing the same surname, we were related. But that wasn't the case. I was asked to wait for him, since he would know about the list of those who were to receive letters or so. After a brief period, he walked in and was informed of my presence and reason for being there. He kindly agreed to check, and scrolled through a list and said 'Ah you should have received your letter by now. I took the number to the office and oh boy, I'm sure madame Beatrice got tired of the caller who was always asking of Bro. Eric ever since that day. He was helpful and I would say my angel sent from above. 

Lo and behold, the day slated for the aptitude exam came, my dad dropped me off at the WAEC hall an hour before time and wished me luck. I had still not received my letter which was going through my dad's office postal address. It was the numerous calls to the office, to make inquiries, that made me aware that I had been shortlisted for the exams - although the location was not fully confirmed. After waiting for half an hour and not seeing anyone coming towards the WAEC hall, I decided to walk to the Christ the King Hall some few meters away; since that was periodically used by institutions to conduct examinations as well. At this time, I was quite worried. I could only see people cladded in black at the main entrance of the Church and the place was crowded with others who seem to have attended a funeral service. But I didn't turn back, I kept walking further towards another group of people; everyone seemed to huddle round in circles reading one newspaper or magazine, and others were in engaged in some sort of discussions. The sheer sight of newspapers, books, etc. that people had on them was enough to get me panicky. I thought to myself, didn't daddy say an aptitude test was going to test my logical reasoning, etc. and he asked me to even practice essays on  why I wanted to be an air-hostess in the first place? So why the frenzy as if it was a current affairs examination about to take place here. Well, I managed to calm my nerves as we were ushered in, to take our seats for the exams. Let's just say it was what I hoped for - and the essay daddy asked me to practice on, was exactly what came. Ever since that time, I always ensure that at least the reason why I want to do something is always at my finger tips. I did my best and left the rest to God. 

Unlike previous times, only a few days had passed by, when I got information from Adwoa, confirming receipt of a medical screening letter; I quickly placed a call to the office and by God's grace, my name was among the selected ones to be screened - as you can tell, I had given up on checking the postal service from my dad's office. Only God knows how often I would walk down to that office to ask the clerk about letters addressed to my dad or myself; just to return home empty-handed. To cut a long story short, none of the letters reached me before their intended dates. Let's just say, my letters got to me only after the effect. 

I'm glad to say that, when you have God's grace paving the way for you, there's nothing that man can do to stop your breakthrough. God being so good, the medical screening was a success and this time around, I got a call to come for the final interview. The message said, I should only approach the interview area when it was an hour to my time slot. So at the appointed time, I walked in and met a Baba Zachariah and others seated on a sofa in the waiting area. 
If you can identify the tallest - then you've seen Baba

I greeted and everyone responded. Suddenly Baba  asked me, 'why are you here at this time? Don't you know you're not supposed to be here until you are called? Hoping that didn't mean I was going to be disqualified at this eleventh hour, I quickly said, 'Please I was asked to come up when it's an hour to my interview and....'  before I could explain any further, the rest suddenly burst out laughing and told me not to mind him because he was also a candidate waiting to be interviewed. Pheew - that was close. He spoke so confidently when he questioned me, so I thought he was a manager there or something. Well as they say, the rest is history. That became a joke that was shared among a few of us from time to time.

During our very first year as the Millenium Cabin Crew of Ghana Airways, two air-crafts were involved in accidents. But we did not give up. Learning to serve customers up in the sky, always preparing your mind for an emergency, etc. was quite an experience. The friends, the flights, the frights though scary, and even the petty fights when your expected schedules changed suddenly or you got a hint of an attempted international flight with your coded name was being swapped for a local flight, to destinations you weren't so much into hahahahaha....well it all made the experience what it was! Having the opportunity to work with other crew during leased-aircraft periods made me realize the similarities in the nature of the job, as well as the differences we all had that was unique to our cultural backgrounds, as Ghanaians. And that is why I still dream of our own National Airline in operation one day soon. A few scary flights here and there, always made me think about the long-term nature of my dream career. I begun to realize that when one dream is achieved, you don't simply relax and sit back. But you dream of bigger ones to come. I now entertained the idea of returning to school so I could work in the administrative department of the company. This led me to question others on what they were doing aside just picking rosters and marking their flight schedules. I was blessed to be on a flight with Sister Helen and she told me about the IATA courses she had enrolled in. She encouraged me to do same and I took her advice; I got enrolled in the programme which was by distance learning via Singapore. I pursued these self-study courses until I earned the Diploma in Airline Studies Certificate, for having completed 4 courses (Airline Marketing, Station Management, Customer Service & Introduction to the Airline Industry) in three years. If you have read my post about my late father, you would notice that my final IATA paper was written on the very day his one week celebration was being held at home, after his demise - that was a tough one, but I made it through by divine grace. The Lord has always been faithful and I passed that final stage to earn the Diploma. 

Wherever Aunty Shirley, Bro. Eric and Aunty Beatrice are, I pray that God would remember them too for their support in making a young girl's dream come true. And to sister Olivia, who coached me in how to walk, talk and dress up and be presentable, and guided me throughout the recruitment stages I say may God continue to show you His favour. Isn't it amazing that all who took an active part in helping me bared similar names to mine? This goes to tell you that God works in mysterious ways. 

I am fully conscious of the fact that my success has been by the favour of God. Because in Christ I have a heritage; and he makes the boundaries to fall for me in pleasant places - Psalm 16:6. And I know, that he who has begun a good work in me, shall complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. I now look out for bigger dreams to achieve. Let's keep hope alive. Let's put our trust in the Lord. Let's look up to Him - and above all through fervent prayers, let's persevere until success happens. As you can tell, the sky is not even our limit. Let's scale higher heights.
And that was one of my 'offices'  - now a restaurant on the ground

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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