Thursday 19 January 2017


Once more, this is just me thinking out loud. Why would one desire to achieve more in life, if not for the purposes of doing more for others and the society at large. Your achievements, whether great or small, were as a result of your inner conviction, passion, desire and hope, to be successful in the area of focus, and the believe that God will crown your efforts with good success. 

One thing I have observed, is that seemingly successful people, did not wallow in defeat or failure for long. They use these testing moments to reenergize and rethink their decision to tread that same path they are on, using a different approach or to change the path they are on, in order to achieve a different result. The good thing to note here, is that successful people don't throw in the towel at the emergence of an obstacle. They either jump over it, go beside it, or simply push that obstacle away. It is not to say that the obstacles do not cause pain, anxiety, desperation or doubt; but those are the very negative emotions that give power to obstacles. Simply decide that you do not see nor give power to those obstacles, but rather start telling yourself, "I can make it", " It is possible", " It's not over yet"... As you keep encouraging yourself in this manner, you stay motivated and you're able to think outside the box that seeks to limit your potential to achieve more.

Another thing I have observed, is the moment you succeed at one thing, the door is opened for you to explore another higher level; which comes with its own level of challenges. In any case, are we not all seeking to challenge ourselves? So why should we cringe at the fact that the higher up you go, the more difficult the obstacles may become. Hence it is very important for us to prepare ourselves for the unknown. Instead of being afraid of the unknown, let us tell ourselves that the skills we gathered at the previous level, are going to enable us to find the right footing to propel us ahead. Do not by any means think that all this can be done without reliance on God. My strength and source of encouragement comes from God, and for those who believe that, the climb to the top, wherever that is for you, becomes more effortlessly achieved. 

The call to serve is an observation that I have made, as churning from the desire to share your experiences with others. So that they can learn from your mistakes to avoid repeating them, so that they can learn from your commitment and build on theirs, so that they can be inspired by your journey and carry on with their walk. So let us all recognize that we have been called to serve, one way or the other. We owe it a duty to pass own good examples unto the next generation and even unto members of our own generation who are looking for a reason to go on achieving something worthy of emulation.

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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