Tuesday 31 January 2017

PERSEVERE UNTIL SUCCESS HAPPENS – P.U.S.H. (as defined by Dr. Cindy Trimm)

Receiving my Ab-initio Certificate as Cabin Crew
On Sunday, 29th January this year as I sat and listened to Rev. Delali Bodza preaching at church, I knew I still had to persevere if I wanted to realize more of my dreams. Because whatever good thing we desire for ourselves, would surely be challenged. But we must persevere in prayer, in doing what is required of us, to position ourselves for the good we want to achieve. Whenever I think about my journey into the Airline Industry, I can only say, if not for God! Indeed as a young girl growing up, I was always elated when I saw one of my paternal Aunties, visit us at home clad in her fine office apparel. Her fragrance would last for hours long after she’s departed our home, and my siblings and I would dash quickly to daddy’s side for some of the goodies she left behind. She exuded so much confidence, grace and sheer presence. I asked my dad what she does and he said, “your Aunty is an Airhostess”. He was so proud of his sister, we actually had a photo of her framed on our living room wall. It sounded like a big deal to me, as little as I was at the time. Of course many questions followed afterwards - day in and day out, I entertained the idea of becoming like her. 

As I grew up into a teenager, the passion grew even more. At school, my father encouraged us all to take the French subject seriously. He simply couldn't fathom why French had not been incorporated into our educational syllabus soon after Independence. Knowing my desire to be an Airhostess, he said it would be a plus in making it to Ghana Airways, if I could speak French. So I took much delight in the language and would pay attention whenever Mr. Degle was in class. “Degle-man” as we affectionately referred to him, was the French teacher at my Primary school and was passionate about getting us to understand this language too.
Back home, Dad would have the French teacher living in the boy’s quarters, take us through extra French lessons after school hours. I loved this language and failed to understand why so many of my friends didn’t enjoy the subject. By sheer grace, I had the opportunity to travel to Switzerland with Angela Karikari-Mensah, as participants in the Coalition of the Children of the Earth Summit. I witnessed first-hand what an Airhostess does. At thirteen years by then, and being my first time travelling abroad, I was quite scared. But the Airhostess made us feel at ease with her smiles. She brought us a cool bag for kids, because we travelled as UMs, or minors on that flight. She brought us food and drinks, milk, etc. oh it was exciting. Well we did not have quite the same experience on the return flight though. Because we met another Airhostess who was not too enthused about our requests for almost everything onboard. And I guess that’s why she gave us no warning at all when we asked for this bright coloured pinkish drink which tasted so bitter and awful. It simply means people can be different in their approaches to work. The great ones leave good memories, and the not so great, teach us some lessons for the future. Anyway, it was several years later, that I discovered the name of the 'bitter' drink - it was grapefruit juice Hahaha. Oh boy, only God knows how long it took to finish the first big gulp we both had in our mouths – of course the rest of the drink stayed in the cup until it was time to clear the cabin, as we hit a terribly turbulence. Before touching down, these attendants would walk briskly through the cabin, even when the aircraft seemed to be in steep slopes - they kept walking through the cabin to check on seatbelts, etc. I knew at that moment that I would do all it takes to join this profession. I will share more about Switzerland’s experience some other day. But the flights to and fro, reinforced my passion and desire to explore other countries and reignited my desire to become an Airhostess.

After one of our long-haul flights 

After Basic School, I decided to pursue a General Arts programme that would afford me the opportunity to Study Geography – to learn about different places, and French to gain an added advantage, etc. However, luck was not on my side because Accra Girls’ Secondary (now Senior High) School did not offer a combination that would allow me study Geography and French at the same time; as my elective programme. 

French was combined with History and CRM or some other course. But I didn’t relent; I persevered in the option I was given which was Geography, Economics and Elective Mathematics. Tough combination for one who wasn’t a Maths fun. But our Elective Maths teacher was patron of the School’s computer club which encouraged me to join the club and learn more about computers. So it wasn’t all doom and gloom (this actually came in very handy, because while some friends were attending computer classes after secondary school, I was studying French) – The computer club meetings and excursions broadened my knowledge and soft skills in computers and gave me the launchpad I needed to be computer literate. After Secondary School, there was a one year break before University, as I noted earlier. My parents enrolled me at the Alliance Française d’Accra where I continued studying French from level 100 until level 500. This spanned one full year and half where I got to meet my dear Melissa Obro Mitcham, Vivian Badoo, Mrs. Erica Wilson, Nene Akwetey, Stephen Kemetse and many more.  I successfully passed my CEFP 2 (Practical French) and Diplome de langue Française by the grace of God. I recall the long walks each day from the 37 trotro station, to Alliance Française. Tuition was expensive then and probably still is. It challenged me further to make every cedi count. I continued to the Ghana Airways Training Centre to pursue their Airline Passenger Handling, Sales and Reservations Course. Certainly, this journey didn’t come without drama - as I was almost turned away for joining the class late. But I knew deep down that it was all by God’s grace. I met great people along the way, who inspired and challenged me not to give up on my dreams. We all need people that would motivate us to do more.

Thursday 19 January 2017


Once more, this is just me thinking out loud. Why would one desire to achieve more in life, if not for the purposes of doing more for others and the society at large. Your achievements, whether great or small, were as a result of your inner conviction, passion, desire and hope, to be successful in the area of focus, and the believe that God will crown your efforts with good success. 

One thing I have observed, is that seemingly successful people, did not wallow in defeat or failure for long. They use these testing moments to reenergize and rethink their decision to tread that same path they are on, using a different approach or to change the path they are on, in order to achieve a different result. The good thing to note here, is that successful people don't throw in the towel at the emergence of an obstacle. They either jump over it, go beside it, or simply push that obstacle away. It is not to say that the obstacles do not cause pain, anxiety, desperation or doubt; but those are the very negative emotions that give power to obstacles. Simply decide that you do not see nor give power to those obstacles, but rather start telling yourself, "I can make it", " It is possible", " It's not over yet"... As you keep encouraging yourself in this manner, you stay motivated and you're able to think outside the box that seeks to limit your potential to achieve more.

Another thing I have observed, is the moment you succeed at one thing, the door is opened for you to explore another higher level; which comes with its own level of challenges. In any case, are we not all seeking to challenge ourselves? So why should we cringe at the fact that the higher up you go, the more difficult the obstacles may become. Hence it is very important for us to prepare ourselves for the unknown. Instead of being afraid of the unknown, let us tell ourselves that the skills we gathered at the previous level, are going to enable us to find the right footing to propel us ahead. Do not by any means think that all this can be done without reliance on God. My strength and source of encouragement comes from God, and for those who believe that, the climb to the top, wherever that is for you, becomes more effortlessly achieved. 

The call to serve is an observation that I have made, as churning from the desire to share your experiences with others. So that they can learn from your mistakes to avoid repeating them, so that they can learn from your commitment and build on theirs, so that they can be inspired by your journey and carry on with their walk. So let us all recognize that we have been called to serve, one way or the other. We owe it a duty to pass own good examples unto the next generation and even unto members of our own generation who are looking for a reason to go on achieving something worthy of emulation.

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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Happy New Year - Distinguish Yourself!!!

Happy New Year!

The year 2017 is finally here. Yippee! By God's grace and mercies, we are alive and surely happy to be among the living. It offers us another opportunity to right our wrongs committed in the past year. We have the chance of giving back to society and others; and not always looking to taking away from people or continuously being at the receiving end. I am hoping to make the most of the opportunities the year has in store, and I know you will too!

 The Yuletide brought lots of excitement  but we must remain cognisant of the fact that others lost loved ones during this same period. And so for such bereaved families, happy wouldn't quite describe how they felt entering into this new year. We pray that God will comfort and restore unto them, HIS JOY, PEACE, LOVE, & the sweet FELLOWSHIP of the HOLY SPIRIT. We, on the other hand must be truly grateful for the chance to live and continue to execute more of the tasks that make up our destiny. What I have come to realize, is that all the bits and pieces of activities we engage in, has a way of forming part of that big fabric we call our destiny. There is renewed commitment to achieve more, and for those of us who live by the spiritual guidance of the Christian faith we have been inspired as we listened to the various messages preached during the 2016 Crossover services. Notable among the descriptions of the nature of the year 2017 are: The Year of Liberation for a Glorious Transformation (from my own dear church - Deliverance A/G, a wing of Assemblies of God churches, Ghana); Year of Leadership by the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC); Divine Manifestation by the Action Chapel International (ACI), and many more.

 These divine words for me, serve as the catalyst that would propel me and many others to ask, seek, and knock until we see them come alive in every area of our lives. They become the mantra that brings direction, motivation, and causes us to aspire for higher accomplishments. I believe in these inspirational messages and the divine direction it brings to us. For those who care to keep the vision in focus, and prayerfully seek guidance from the Almighty God, I truly believe we're bound to experience one or more of these divine natures of 2017. If you believe that the message is what God has given to you to accomplish your goals this year, then there is an equal expectation from you to be obedient, loyal and a good follower of Him that has given you life. This means things won't just land on a silver platter; you would need to work for some; pray for some; and position yourself for some. 

There is the need to prepare yourself adequately; spiritually pray and commit your steps into God's hands; socially interact and make yourself useful to the less privileged in your society - not just the rich and affluent; professionally hone your skills and talents; undertake some personal development training, offer your services under an internship programme to help you learn even more; retake that exams if that is what it takes to move to the next level; forgive those who have hurt you in the past year and even those who are yet to hurt you in this year; ask yourself that critical question - what can I do for my country? Remember, we owe it a duty to help build Mother-Ghana. Do not  sit on the fence expecting others to work so enjoy the benefits together or being idle yet expecting to be rewarded. Remember, the Devil finds work for the idle mind. Remember, as you give more, you will receive more. 

In conclusion, it doesn't matter the denomination of your church. Simply note that you are blessed, so you can be a blessing. Therefore:

if you desire to be liberated, then ask yourself what would I do with that freedom?
if you seek for transformation, begin to think about what that transformation would mean to those around you and how it can benefit others in the society at large.
if you seek better leadership, then remember that Christ taught us to be servants first if we wish to be great leaders. 
if you are believing God for a divine manifestation, then you must prepare yourself so that when it comes, you will exude the glorious nature of God.

I wish us all a very prosperous New Year, full of good health, prosperity and vitality to enable us achieve more.

Welcome 2017! Et Au Revoir 2016!

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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