Friday 21 July 2017


Have you been faithful to a cause and felt at a point in time, that it was not worth it? Have you given all your time and attention to something that turned out to be a mirage? In some instances one may find themselves in the above situations. But I firmly believe in what the NIV Bible says in Proverbs 22: 29, Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank. My understanding of this scripture is likened to staying committed to doing something on a regular basis, such that you have refined your skills, you have improved on it, and you have garnered an expertise in that field of knowledge - so much so, that you become the go-to-person when deep inquiries are being made. This surely sets you apart, and leads you into the arena of kings or great men that seek such wisdom to guide their affairs.

If you have dedicated your time, resources, and yourself to acquire knowledge, gain understanding, and receive wisdom to steer the affairs of a specific endeavour, I want to encourage you to stay committed. Commitment pays well. Commitment will lead you to higher places. In brief, if you are diligent and committed to a cause, your wealth of experience, knowledge, skill-sets and know-how in that field you're working in, would enable you to scale higher heights. Simply be like clay in the potter's hand, ready to be broken, remoulded and re-shaped. But most importantly, make a positive impact in the lives of those you encounter. 

Keep up the good work, don't give up, because the refiner's fire can only make you better. Those who criticise you wrongly, would actually spur you on to your next higher level, if you're willing to proof them wrong. But be grateful to both your good and bad critiques, they all have a part they're playing in scaling you higher. The constructive feedback you receive from your critiques must be used as building blocks to refine you. If you decide to learn from the constructive feedback, and neglect the abusive feedback, you can only mature and age well.

When tough times arise, when the breaking moment is nigh, rest assured that your breakthrough is closer than you can ever imagine. Sit still, do what you do best, serve the purpose for which you are in that space. Sooner or later, the right moment will arrive and you will be escorted into your place of reverence; where kings require your services. Commitment is a good "reward-er" of our diligent efforts.

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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