Monday 11 December 2017


At the beginning of this year, I shared a blog-post entitled "Happy New Year - Distinguish Yourself!!!".

Patricia at the UGBS 2017 Graduation 
In as much as I was encouraging you, I was speaking to myself as well. This was a year of many
adventures and it took grace to stay committed to the cause. I am so grateful to all who have made this year such an exciting adventure. Yes, sometimes you must dare to dream and dare to be different. But through it all, I thank God for the grace to overcome the challenges, the strength to persevere, the strive for excellence and the passion to scale higher heights. Part of my 2017 new year resolutions, included my quest  to complete my highest milestone in the Toastmasters Educational Programme, give more attention to my Startup Company, complete my Masters Degree Programme in Entrepreneurial Management, and spend more time with family. I must admit that the latter is still work in progress. But to God be the Glory, I earned the Distinguished Toastmaster Award - DTM, was awarded with my Masters Degree and still working on my Startup Companies. Yes - two dreams were birthed. 

In December 2016 I took the leap of faith, left full-time corporate work to give more life and visibility to my own company, PERISSOS HORIZON. My company is focused on offering Training in Communication, Leadership and Corporate Soft Skills. Other focused services we provide, are Coaching and Mentoring for groups and individuals. We believe that these are requisite services that one must seek, to achieve their own unique set of goals and birth their Vision for life. Holding yourself accountable to someone gives you the right edge to remain focused. For anyone to set SMART goals and achieve them, it requires among other things, hardwork; thinking creatively & strategically; dedication to a cause, perseverance; consistency; commitment; focused time management; being humble to ask for help; being tactful & assertive; and knowing when to collaborate  with others rather than competing against them.

Participants at the Dec 2017 Working Brunch

For as long as I can recall, I have always been passionate about sharing my knowledge with others, guiding and coaching others to become better at one thing or the other - and simply being there to support and encourage people to aim high, in whatever they do. I love to see people fulfilling their personal development goals, excelling in their fields of endeavour, and impacting others in and around their circles too. 

I believe that is what will enable us make that needed individual  or corporate impact in our communities and the world at large. I therefore believe in being an example of what is possible. Anyone can commit to a cause, dream big, start small and work progressively to achieve excellence. I believe it serves as a magnet to attract like-minded people, to help you achieve purpose. I am glad that "The Entrepreneurs' Vista" - a training and capacity-building NGO was also birthed along the way. 

This NGO seeks to help Startups and others in the field of Entrepreneurship; gain clarity, benefit from Face-to-Face and virtual interactions with experts in their various fields of interests. We believe this would help them manage their businesses effectively for impact.  This is done via subsidised Seminars, Workshops and more. 

The desire of The Entrepreneurs' Vista platform, is to help participants learn innovative and creative ways to boost their businesses; while leveraging on their resources, to grow steadily and successfully. 

Patricia awarded the District 94 Area Director of the Year 2016-2017 & more!

For anyone - whether in business or private life - to successfully share their thoughts, opinions on issues or develop effective people skills, they must be effective
communicators and effective leaders. 

Personally, I have had the opportunity to hone my communication and leadership skills, through the Toastmasters Educational Progamme. I have stuck with it because it gives me the added benefit of paying it forward. I have had the opportunity to mentor and coach others along the way, and still do. 

I can confidently say that through my Toastmasters journey, the leader, trainer, mentor and coach in me, has been shaped to impact and influence more people, both far and near. I am grateful to the Toastmasters family in Ghana (Areas 3 & 31), West & Central Africa (District 94) and the Global Toastmasters Community, for this unique platform. There is nothing more exciting than having like-minded people, supporting you to achieve your dreams - and you having the chance to do same. Although this doesn't always come easy, if you remain true to yourself, you will attract the right kind of network around you. That is why at Toastmasters, we say, leaders are made! Have you been made?

It was an exciting moment in Lagos - Nigeria, during the November 2017 Leadership Conference. The mindset to achieve the DTM recognition, had culminated in my ability to earn three (3) major Toastmasters educational milestones. I was therefore presented with a Triple Crown recognition pin. The fulfilment of other key aspects of my role as the Area Director for Area 3, in the 2016-2017 tenure, also earned me the District's Area Director of the Year recognition plaque. This successfully earned Area 3, the President's Distinguished Area recognition as well. It is easy for some people to often discount the zeal, motivation, encouragement, guidance, teachings, reminders, etc., provided by leaders, who spur others on, to achieve excellence. 

If you also doubt the efforts of good leadership in achieving any organisation's set objectives, then try working with a leader who folds their hands and watches team members do what they want, when they want it, and how they want it; without taking cognisance of expectations and requirements from the top team or top hierarchy. I would be glad to read your comments about that kind of leader sometime soon. Good leaders lead by example, to achieve excellence; and bad leaders equally lead by example to achieve failure. Which kind of leader do you wish to be?

This year has been an adventure of varying degrees. I have had to challenge myself even more in keeping the balance as a mother, wife, student, as the Founder of PERISSOS HORIZON and Co-Founder of The Entrepreneurs' Vista. Therefore, I am so grateful for the support of loved ones, family and friends who made all the juggling seem effortless. I had the privilege of co-sponsoring the PERISSOS HORIZON TOASTMASTERS CLUB, to volunteer myself once more, into nurturing more competent leaders and competent communicators in Ghana. The vision of this club is to offer Professionals, Corporate Executives, as well as Entrepreneurs, a unique platform. This platform can build their communication and leadership competencies towards the achievement of specific goals required to scale higher heights, in the personal, business and corporate development aspirations. 

The vision of the club, just like my company is to scale higher heights - which creates the synergy required for members to remain focused and purpose-driven in their Toastmasters journey. 

As we draw the curtain on the year 2017, I am grateful for the lives of members who volunteered their time, resources and energy, as Club officers and Committee members to help others enjoy the club meetings. The transformational stories that are already pouring out, from grateful hearts, makes it all worth the time we have volunteered thus far. Next year, 2018, promises to be even more exciting. So if you are resident in Accra - Ghana or visiting for a long period and desire to join our club, don't hesitate to contact us via We would love to hear from you. 

The joy of seeing others progress and discover themselves in ways they felt was not possible, is truly inspiring and a humbling experience. When you help others find their voice, it helps bring more advocates to chart a positive cause on our various societies; it helps employers find more fulfilment because they now see the increased output and zeal by employees towards the achievement of company objectives. When you encourage others to believe in themselves, and you observe them transform and impact their world positively - the feeling is priceless.

Granted, not everyone is grateful for such opportunities, but as leaders we must be prepared for such situations and rise above it all. Never allow the few bad experiences, to spoil the lifetime of rich influence you will make on the lives of those - who truly need it. You must save the situation and always make a positive impact. When you help others through constructive feedback, to discover their strengths and weaknesses and go further to help them know how to overcome those weaknesses, it makes you better too. Certainly, not everyone is willing to take corrective feedback that readily. And not many people even know how to give corrective feedback, properly. And that is why we must always be lifelong learners. Seeking to be better, so we can help others do better - honing our interpersonal communication skills should therefore be a vital resolution for 2018. You can only improve that skill, by working with a different teams with varied personality types. 

My little advice though is to remember, that as a Coach or Mentor you also need to take time out for yourself - to care for yourself. Do not stretch yourself too thin, such that you breakdown and leave millions of potential future beneficiaries at a loss. So know when to let go of relationships that drain the energy out of you, and when to move on to other rejuvenating activities. In the meantime, keep doing the great job and keep making that positive energy flow where it is needed. Remember your creator, the source of all wisdom, strength and creativity. Have a joyous Yuletide, full of Grace, Gratitude and Great Adventures. 

Keep Scaling Higher Heights and have a Glorious 2018 - More Joyous Celebrations Ahead!

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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