Sunday 21 July 2013

Just amazing, you didn't hear what I said!

Really, I don't know about you but, 'a talkative' actually doesn't like repeating himself or herself. Why? I'm thinking it may be because they have so many other things to talk about and can't afford to waste time going on and on about just one thing. Sometimes I think they actually feel they might run out of time before they are through with what they wanted to say. And so just listening to Amanda and Reginald going through that moment again, got me wondering. 

Well, considering the fact that it wasn't the first time she had been so 
enthusiastic about something without getting the same reaction from him, one would have thought that, she had learnt her lessons; right? Well, wrong! Talkatives like Amanda just need that listening ear and so though they might end up feeling hurt or ignored, they still might go ahead to share a thought or two any chance they get. Okay, let's make that a dozen thoughts, any second they get.

So back to the question. Why does it become so annoying to repeat themselves? Maybe you may know a thing or two about that. I'm just wondering, is it that it takes so much energy talking and thinking through those thoughts, or maybe not thinking through them at all, until they have  finally blurted them out? What is it, that makes them get impatient repeating themselves? I just can't put my finger on it. Hmm. Okay, let's hear from you, I bet you do.

Why does Amanda get absolutely ballistic when time and again, Reginald would interrupt her train of thoughts with another, "so what was it you just spoke about?", I mean he would say it so casually it just makes her jaw drop. That very moment, you could see her face just twist and contort, I mean she could break down and cry right there, if not for the crowd at the restaurant. Then she would start explaining how she had to cancel her appointments for the rest of the day, just to meet him for this discussion over lunch, and he made it seemed like a total waste of her time! Well, I'm thinking, Amanda get over yourself! I mean this was more of a Déjà-vu.

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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Life's Turning Points...Changing Scenes

Whether you believe that the world revolves round its axis or not? There's always a turning point in our lives. Be it intentional or not, life's stage keeps changing scenes...and we both definitely want it to remain positive always. Some role-players on the set may change costumes depicting their aging life, or their changed status in life. This simply goes to tell us that, there has been a turning point in the life of the actor or actress.

It is often the desire of all, that each turning point in our lives is full of laughter, joy, merry-making and good-cheer. But it is not always the case. These turning points are sometimes, sharp curves characterized by painful moments in our lives. We often hear the adage, no pain, no gain or nothing ventured, nothing gained. And they all bare testimony to those trying moments or painful scenes of life, that must be overcome in order to enjoy the next beautiful script for that next scene...telling stories of a bountiful harvest, joyful moments, shared seasons of laughter, good success and lots of merry-making! 

No wonder that, in every testimony there is a test! We may not always enjoy those testing periods, but they are actually part of the setup at that stage of our life's drama; to toughen us and make us more resistant to the challenges that we may encounter, at our next level of success! 

So the next time your next scene on life's little stage becomes tough, remember that it is just another turning point in your life. That stage, just like so many others, would come and go. You may be hurting when that turn becomes painful, but always know that another exciting set full of testimonies is awaiting you. Keep making the best out of every turn!

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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Lessons from our little beginnings

On many occasions, we hear people talk about their little beginnings. These are references made of their past experiences in life that taught them a lesson or two. These can also be called humble beginnings, because they serve as the stepping stones into our greatness or weakness. Yes, because based on how we apply the lessons learnt along the way, we can advance into greatness or land into failure. 

We are cautioned not to despise those humble beginnings, because it is out of these humble or little stages of our lives, that we adopt, change, mature, and come to appreciate the advice we get from those who have walked similar paths. When we come to appreciate our humble beginnings, we tend to remember those events and take a stance in our present situation not to repeat a mistake that was made in the past. It also enables us to remember and improve upon the good steps we took, to achieve success or a good recommendation from someone or a group. 

The seeds of maturity, are sown during these humbling stages of our lives. We all must have gone through stages in life where we felt, "oh she can't tell me what to do", or "who does he think he is", etc. well these are the very moments that key lessons in life are exhibited, taught and learnt. You may learn some things from children, some from adults, and some from your peers. When Jesus had to feed thousands of people, he got the five loaves of bread and two fishes from a child. What does that tell us? Well it could be that some adults brought food along, but ate it all before it was time to return home. It could be that some children had bits of food but just didn't want to share. So many assumptions can be made around this encounter with a little boy who had saved enough food, that could be turned into MORE THAN ENOUGH, for many to benefit. It simply goes to say that it is not the quantity you begin with, but what becomes of what you've been given as a starter; and in gratitude, giving thanks to the actual SOURCE of that seemingly little resource you have in your hand, it becomes a multiplication of resources needed to resolve a situation. We read that  after receiving it from the boy, Jesus gave thanks unto his Heavenly Father and it was blessed and multiplied until everyone had their share, with still more scraps left to fill 12 baskets!

The powerful thing that happens when we appreciate those little beginnings is that, we appreciate the source of the lessons we need to learn. We share the goodness of what becomes of us, as we go through that experience. The lessons we share with others, makes them mature and overcome similar encounters with ease, and this becomes the good fruits we share as we go along in life.
It is my desire, that you remember those humble beginnings with me.

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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Sunday 17 March 2013

Friendship Terms of Contract....

Today I have been thinking a lot about friends, and the whole friendship thing. Most times you'd hear people refer to each other as either childhood friends, classmates, colleagues, best-friends or other categories that makes them feel connected to someone or a group of people. But thinking about it carefully, friendship comes in different forms and based on diverse reasons or motives.

Some people come into our lives knowing full well, what they want to achieve at the end of the day. This purpose could be revealed at the onset or could be cached and totally unknown to one party; call it naivety or immaturity, but there are those who would want to trust people for what they say. But some people may just want your friendship as a means, to an end, whiles others are really there to be friends-for-life! So it's important to create a clear distinction amongst social friendships or business-related friendships, etc. Of course, some friends from our business world or our professional backgrounds, etc. can become true friends; but these sort of friends should be chosen with extreme caution. Simply because, in my opinion, friends from these backgrounds could easily be friendly, just for the sake of the business or what they can gain by being closely associated with you. And there are those friends who would simply relate with you when they need to chat, hangout, brainstorm an idea, etc. Now, you may be wondering, just like I am, how can one know if they have a friend-for-life, or just another casual friend, who's coming to make their own impact and leave? Well I put it this way, because sometimes parting can be filled with gladness, sadness, or plain fury.

But I guess in order to minimize the negative impact of parting ways, we could all sensitize our minds on what I call, the "Friendship Terms of Contract". Don't forget that in all this, we could also be on that side of the coin too where we enter into friendship with others deceitfully. So this is for all of us, to come clean in the way we make friends with people. We also may make friends along the way, but don't make our real expectations known. It's just good I think, if everyone just clearly remains honest in their expectations of the friendships they maintain. Maybe your comments can help bring some clarity... Who is the determinant of whether or not, a friendship lasts a lifetime? There may be those chance encounters with long-lost "friends" as we usually call it, but ultimately, I believe the one who determines who is required in our lives forever, is God. Well, the fact is that, some people we encounter along life's journey may or may not remember us few years down the line. We, as individuals, may also choose to remain friends with people or choose to let go, depending on the impact of these friendships on our lives. There are those friendships that self-destruct due to the weight of their cons, as opposed to the pros. And there are those friendships that would remain even-though  oceans apart.

I have come to accept the fact that friends will come and go. I have come to realize that some friends may even choose to tolerate me just as long as I remain helpful to their cause. And I have come to accept the fact that people come into our lives for a reason, and whether or not that reason is obvious to us or cached; there are lessons to be learnt. Because as long as  we're still building certain characteristics and forming certain qualities in our lives, we need people to test how strong our building blocks are. So maybe we may not know in advance, just how long a friendship or encounter with someone would last, but just determine to make each friendship build you up. Even those ones that seem to tear us  apart emotionally could actually be stepping stones to our next level. Sometimes some characteristic in us, is not required at our next level, and it takes someone out there to make us realize that. In the same way, we make others realize what they need to build up in their lives, just by being a part of theirs. Even if it lasts for only season.

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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Monday 25 February 2013

Enough Is Enough - Advance!

Do you at times get to that level of tolerance when you just want to scream, "that's enough"? But after that conviction to do better, what do most of us end up doing? Well this is just me, thinking out loud now...

You may be in a situation where your only consolation is to assume that, well it could have been worse. You know, sometimes we tend to misunderstand the "being content with ourselves" factor, that instead of aspiring for greatness we settle for just enough. But I believe in the God who gives more than enough. So it gets to the point where you must tell yourself, "enough is enough", in order to dare yourself to reach out for more. There are those people who would make you feel, oh! you just bought that house, why build another? or someone may just see your vision of going International with your business idea, as taking on too much of a risk?

Well, it takes courage really, to do the big things others just want to read about in history books. Coming to think of it, HISTORY is really about "someone's story". So why not make it your story? It takes strong hearts and minds that are purpose-driven to achieve what is seemingly unachievable to the mediocre mind. God gives us that supernatural ability to reach beyond the natural and do things just a little bit differently; but even he has given us the free will to choose. You just may be wishing you had the ability to create something new. And why not? You could stand the chance of being so creative that you employ others to be able to fend for themselves, rather than being dependent on you.

I think it's just time to stop feeling sorry that we want the best there is to have in life, and stop beating ourselves down just so we can be mediocre and not offend anyone. If you have that desire to reach for the stars, by all means do. But just be sure, you're connecting to the source that never runs dry. Staying connected to our creator makes us do wonderful things just like he does. God didn't create us to be timid nor live mediocre lives; he desires for us to be humble but that does not mean belittling ourselves.

The fact that some people just love to be taken care of, rather than take care of others, doesn't mean everyone else must be like them. God actually wants us to be strong and courageous; believing in ourselves and trusting in him to give us the power and ability to be all that we hope to be and even more! So the next time someone tries to tell you to be content with what you have? Think carefully and be sure you've given off your very best in life, and that's all that you could possibly achieve. If that's not the case, then it is time to let that inner scream out and say, "enough is enough, I could do better than this". Well whatever situation you're in right now, start saying out loud, "Enough Is Enough, I can advance and reach out for more, so help me God".

Stay motivated, Be inspired!

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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