Sunday 21 July 2013

Lessons from our little beginnings

On many occasions, we hear people talk about their little beginnings. These are references made of their past experiences in life that taught them a lesson or two. These can also be called humble beginnings, because they serve as the stepping stones into our greatness or weakness. Yes, because based on how we apply the lessons learnt along the way, we can advance into greatness or land into failure. 

We are cautioned not to despise those humble beginnings, because it is out of these humble or little stages of our lives, that we adopt, change, mature, and come to appreciate the advice we get from those who have walked similar paths. When we come to appreciate our humble beginnings, we tend to remember those events and take a stance in our present situation not to repeat a mistake that was made in the past. It also enables us to remember and improve upon the good steps we took, to achieve success or a good recommendation from someone or a group. 

The seeds of maturity, are sown during these humbling stages of our lives. We all must have gone through stages in life where we felt, "oh she can't tell me what to do", or "who does he think he is", etc. well these are the very moments that key lessons in life are exhibited, taught and learnt. You may learn some things from children, some from adults, and some from your peers. When Jesus had to feed thousands of people, he got the five loaves of bread and two fishes from a child. What does that tell us? Well it could be that some adults brought food along, but ate it all before it was time to return home. It could be that some children had bits of food but just didn't want to share. So many assumptions can be made around this encounter with a little boy who had saved enough food, that could be turned into MORE THAN ENOUGH, for many to benefit. It simply goes to say that it is not the quantity you begin with, but what becomes of what you've been given as a starter; and in gratitude, giving thanks to the actual SOURCE of that seemingly little resource you have in your hand, it becomes a multiplication of resources needed to resolve a situation. We read that  after receiving it from the boy, Jesus gave thanks unto his Heavenly Father and it was blessed and multiplied until everyone had their share, with still more scraps left to fill 12 baskets!

The powerful thing that happens when we appreciate those little beginnings is that, we appreciate the source of the lessons we need to learn. We share the goodness of what becomes of us, as we go through that experience. The lessons we share with others, makes them mature and overcome similar encounters with ease, and this becomes the good fruits we share as we go along in life.
It is my desire, that you remember those humble beginnings with me.

Instagram: @Perissos.Horizon 
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